cf letter 2012

2012 Letter

Absolutely hate them! Never enjoyed them even when I was young but somehow each Christmas we’d have a couple of them under the tree. We’d be respectfully polite for the “thoughtful” gift but quickly moved on to other presents with more bells and whistles. Puzzles…500 little pieces of cardboard that all looked alike but were as unique as snowflakes. Yet, somehow, with enough time and patience there is a sense of accomplishment when you’ve replicated the picture on the puzzle box. I do appreciate that they allow you to create something whose whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Deirdre is now eleven years old and there are many parts that make her whole. Maureen and I have always said that we never wanted her to be defined by cystic fibrosis (CF) – that’s not who she is. She is a sweet, humble, compassionate, caring and ever-on-the-go bundle of joy. She’s also the product of a loving and caring family including sisters, uncles , aunts and cousins; she’s religious and spiritual; and she has four grandparents bestowing blessings from Heaven. She is greater than the sum of her parts – she just has more parts than the average tween!

In addition to sugar and spice Deirdre is made up of 20 pills a day, multiple inhalers and sprays, nebulizer lung treatments and, more recently, a purple vest. Yes, a vest that is connected to a machine that simulates the daily chest physiotherapy that frees her lungs of the mucus that builds up. CF is a genetic disease affecting the glands that produce mucus, tears, sweat, saliva and digestive juices. The most serious threat is respiratory failure caused by a thick mucus buildup that harbors bacteria which causes lung infections.

The sum of all these parts make her Deirdre – so much more meaningful and greater than all the parts put together.

We try to do our part and you’ve proven you can help out as well. Over the past 10 years together we’ve raised more than $235,000 to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis. We are very close to finding a cure and feel confident it is well within our immediate reach.

Yet, we cannot become complacent and so confident that we halt the funding for research and clinical trials that are necessary. Each year we participate in the annual Great Strides walk. This is the largest national fund-raiser for CF, as it raises money to support research, drug development and care programs for those with CF.

Please help Deirdre and all those with CF. Deirdre’s Team is greater than the sum of its parts but we need your help – you have a chance to add more tomorrows for those with CF. Isn’t that worth your donation?

We appreciate your donation and support.

Thank you.

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