One Goal at a Time

We learned very early the importance of keeping Deirdre active in order to keep her lungs free from mucus and phlegm…
Cystic fibrosis (CF) causes the body to produce abnormally thick and sticky mucus in many parts of the body. Normally, mucus is a slippery, watery substance. It keeps the linings of certain organs moist and prevents them from drying out or getting infected. CF patients have very thick and sticky mucus.

Digestive System
This mucus can block tubes, or ducts, in the pancreas. As a result, the digestive enzymes that your pancreas makes can’t reach your small intestine. These enzymes help break down food. Without these enzymes, your intestines can’t fully absorb fats and proteins. This can cause vitamin deficiency and malnutrition because nutrients leave your body unused.
With major advances in medicine over the years this is less of a concern compared to the lungs.
Respiratory Issues
The mucus also builds up in your lungs and blocks the airways. The buildup of mucus makes it easy for bacteria to grow and very difficult to eradicate. This can lead to repeated, serious lung infections.
Over time, these infections severely damage the lungs. About 95% of CF patients die from lung infections.

Living with CF, you realize the importance of maintaining healthy lung function – this will be a part of your everyday life. Deirdre is reminded constantly by us that she needs to keep the mucus flowing freely in her lungs in order to prevent lung infections.
Aim For The Far Post
We are very lucky that she loves to be active and try new activities. She’s tried ballet, dance, Irish step, swimming, basketball, lacrosse, and soccer. She stills does many of these and thankfully one of them has turned into a passion – soccer.
She has been playing soccer since she was 4, starting on a town recreation team, a town team and a couple Mass club soccer teams.
She has the tenacity and drive that allows her to face some very tough opponents on the field. She barrels down the field with a smile on her face.

She’s traveled to several New England states (and New Jersey and Maryland) for tournaments, signs up for every skills clinic available and loves to go to Boston Breakers and New England Revolution games.
Thanks to her friend Big D she’s met many of the players and her team presented her a signed jersey from the Boston Breakers (below).

Deirdre thrives on being the best she can and stays very active and also participates each year in the Boston Jolly Jaunt; a 5k run in support of Special Olympics Massachusetts. This is an event she has participated in for years.

On To Another Club
In college, Deirdre continued to play on the Providence College club soccer program!