A Little Help
Some of our most frequently asked questions are answered here. If we have not answered your question(s) then please go to our Contact page.
Q. What is DeirdresTeam.com?
DeirdresTeam.com is a web site setup by Deirdre’s family to help facilitate the raising of funds in the efforts to find a cure for cystic fibrosis and to communicate with others about Deirdre.
Q. Who is Deirdre?
Many times we, as parents of a child with cystic fibrosis, find it very difficult to tell others of her “condition” – this is her medical history online! But in order to raise the funds to help find a cure we have found it is helpful and necessary. We have to walk the fine line of guarding her privacy while also trying to find a cure for CF. We do as much as we can on this site and try to avoid any references to personal information of her and others.
Q. Who created and maintains the site?
Deirdre’s family created the site and does their best to maintain it on a regular basis. If you would like to contribute or have thoughts on the site please contact us.
Q. If there is a picture of me on the site can it be removed?
We would not want anyone to feel uncomfortable about having their picture on the site; please let us know the specifics and we’ll address the issue as quickly as possible.
Q. Is this web site in partnership with another organization?
While we welcome contributions from other organizations to add to the quality of the site, the web site is purely an initiative of DeirdesTeam.com.
Q. Who do I talk to if I have further questions?
Visit the Contact section to send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.