2018 Letter
Third Time’s a Charm
With Leah (21) and Tess (18) in college Maureen and I can now focus our admissions-efforts on Deirdre (17) – our junior in high school.
I’ve always understood the saying Third Time’s a Charm to mean someone will have greater success the third time since they’ve already failed twice. We’ve had tremendous success with Leah and Tess and they’re doing fantastic at school; we are very proud of them.
Deirdre’s college journey will be more of a challenge than a charm. It’s more of a: Third Time’s a Challenge Finding a College for Your Child with Cystic Fibrosis – something catchy like that!
Most of the due diligence will be the same as with the others such as program(s) of study, location, financial aid, fit, campus atmosphere, size of classes, student dining(!), etc. Deirdre, however, also needs to consider:
- Proximity to a CF center/hospital
- Close enough to home for us to get to her quickly if necessary
- Perhaps a single room to not disturb others during hours of treatments each day
- Space to sterilize her nebulizer cups (used to administer some of her medicines)
- Athletic programs/teams to join to help maintain her respiratory function
- Dining options including unlimited tacos, chicken fingers, and French fries
She is used to adversity and challenge. She was born with cystic fibrosis (CF) – a life-threatening genetic disease that makes the body produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and leads to respiratory infections and other problems.
Deirdre lives with it every single day from the pills, multiple inhalers / nebulizers, nasal rinses and sprays and a vibrating vest that performs chest physiotherapy freeing her lungs of the mucus that builds up.
The third time may not be a charm but we have tremendous hope and faith that a cure for CF is close – perhaps even before the college class of 2023 graduates. Please help us make it something to really celebrate!
Maureen and I participated in the Dedham walk in May.
Thank you very much for all you have done and for all we ask of you to help find a cure.
Last year we raised more than $30,000 bringing our total to $390,000 PLUS since we started 16 years ago!!
Thank you very much,
Peter & Maureen