cf 2021

2021 Letter

About Me

Hi! My name is Deirdre and I am a 20-year-old girl with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).

This is an inherited disease that causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs up my lungs and makes it hard for me to breathe. CF also affects other organs in the body including the pancreas, liver, intestines, and sinuses.

Our first walk in 2002.

My family has been working with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for many years in order to raise money for research into a cure. We have so far raised over $460,000 which goes towards funding research projects like finding better treatments or even a cure one day!

When I was first diagnosed with CF, my parents were told that there was no cure.

deirdre 2021

Now a sophomore in college, it’s hard for me to imagine life without CF because I have been living with it since before, I could walk or talk.

It has shaped who I am and how others treat me.

But most importantly, CF has made me want to spend my time searching for a cure so that other kids can grow up healthy like any other kid should be able to do!

It’s been a long, hard year of living with cystic fibrosis so far, but I’m doing okay considering Covid-19 took away much from all of us.

I am a sophomore at Providence College (GO FRIARS!!), this is my 19th Great Strides Walk to cure CF. When I was younger, it seemed like going to college was an impossible feat that couldn’t be done, but now as I enter adulthood and reflect on the past year at Providence College, nothing seems out of reach for me!

Freshman Friar (last year)

friar freshman
Nothing (!) Stops a Friar

Great Strides Walk

2021 WALK

Although we were disappointed, we could not walk as a group, I ran more than 65 miles during the month of May to celebrate 65 roses (sounds like Cystic Fibrosis). Many people pledged along with me, ran the miles and raised thousands of dollars!

Playing sports to maintain my health has always been a priority and a great way to be with my friends but I have never been a runner. I have the opportunity and ability to run, unlike so many others who can’t that suffer from CF.

I am passionate about raising money and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. It affects over 30,000 people in the United States and costs us $200 million a year to research cures for this life-threatening disease.

The Walk (ah, run) was an opportunity for the CF community to come together, raise awareness about Cystic Fibrosis and share hope. We need your help to make our team strong by fundraising through this walk with us!

We’re not done as there is no cure yet!

With your support make CF stand for Cure Found!

I can’t thank you all enough for your generous donations over the past 18 years bringing the Team total to over $460,000.

Love, Deirdre, Tess and Leah (oh, and Peter and Maureen!)

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