2024 Letter
23 in ’24
Well, here I am, a year later in 2024, having recently turned 23 years old, and I am officially a Providence College (PC) alum. Not only does 2024 mark 4 years free of hospitalization but it also means I am 3 years away from being kicked off of my parents’ health insurance and paying for my medication that costs thousands of dollars, how fun!
I was born with cystic fibrosis (CF) – a life-threatening genetic disease that makes the body produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and leads to respiratory infections and other problems. For 23 years I have been swallowing 25 pills daily which also includes multiple inhalers / nebulizers and a vibrating vest that performs chest physiotherapy freeing my lungs of the mucus that builds up. You may have also seen me drinking from a “sippy cup” as my friends/family like to call it and no, that is not an on-the-go margarita, but it does in fact help my digestive system.

I recently read that the angel number 24 “is a sign from [my] angels that new beginnings and fresh opportunities are on the horizon….and no matter how many setbacks [I] might have experienced in the past, there is room for endless possibilities.”
2024 is my first year as a full time employee working as a Clinical Data Associate for a cancer research company in Boston. I quickly found out that entering the real world means no (f)unemployed summers, paying back my student loans, paying for myself on a family vacation to Mexico, and of course, living with my BFFS, my parents. If these are the “setbacks” my angel number is referring to, I have been living a fabulous life. However, I then remember and think to myself “Oh yeah I have CF… but, I have been kicking it’s a**!”

Living with CF is the only life I have ever known. CF is often referred to as an “invisible disease” because although I look “normal” ( I would like to think so LOL), I don’t feel it. Because of CF I have been pricked by countless needles and sat through many hospital scans, missed a courtside Celtics game, learned to self-administer IV antibiotics 3x daily for 3 weeks, experienced awful coughing attacks, and skipped taking my digestive enzymes because of insecurities. Of course, the cystic fibrosis “cons list” could be endless. But those instances are setbacks, not failures. I always have a smile on my face and CF has only made me a stronger, more resilient individual.
I honestly could not imagine my life without CF and yeah it does stink and causes an emotional rollercoaster, but it has shaped my outlook on life for the better, especially because of the [Vertex Pharmaceuticals] drug, Trikafta, which I started in 2019. Through the hard work of researchers, the support of my friends/family, and blessings from angels, I know a cure is in the near future. Although I am not 24 years old in 2024, I know this year will allow me to continue living a fabulous life and many more years to come, filled with blessings and great health.
Deirdre’s Team participated for the 22nd time in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Great Strides Walk on May 11th in Wakefield, MA. I can’t thank you all enough for your generous donations over the past 22 years bringing the Team total to over $536,000.
Please consider making a donation of any amount today! You’ll be a part of something that will change/save people’s lives.